
The Wave Height is an app that let you visualize different wave height parameters in the Schelde Estuary.
This application was created for ScheldeMonitor by the Flanders Marine Institute.

The data was initially delivered in separate .txt files per station, in which the values were recorded with a certain frequency and written as half-hourly values. These were merged into a single dataset. Thereafter, the following parameters were calculated for each year in the period 1997-2015:

  • Annual mean significant wave height (Hs)
  • Annual average maximum wave height (Hmax)
  • Annual maximum average wave height (maxHs)
  • Annual maximum wave height (maxHmax)

The annual mean significant wave height is the arithmetic mean of the significant wave height over the period of a calendar year. The average is determined from the highest one-third of the amplitudes (half the wave height). The significant wave height is double this value.


The visualized data is made available by ScheldeMonitor under a CC-BY license (More info). Please reference data and products as:

ScheldeMonitor Team; VNSC Werkgroep Onderzoek & Monitoring (2020). Data downloaded from ScheldeMonitor:
a data portal with information, data and products on the Scheldt Estuary. Accessed at (insert date) through the data analysis platform.

Plots, maps and charts.

From the left navigation panel you'll be able to choose a parameter and filter data. The visualized parameter, the stations and the time range can be adjusted by using the sliders in the left menu. Further visualization options are available for the timeseries plot.

The map shows the stations whose data is used within this app. To request the location of a station, you can select the desired station in the menu bar. The name of a station also appears when the station is clicked.

For a quick walkthrough have a look at the video below.

Data availability

Achter deze applicatie schuilt een vaste dataset die samengesteld werd uit de ruwe data bijhorend aan het rapport en afkomstig van Rijkswaterstaat. Voor de Toetsparameter ‘Golven’ was enkel ruwe data beschikbaar voor de Westerschelde, waar de golfhoogtes gemeten worden door boeien, waveriders en golfbaken. In de Zeeschelde wordt de golfhoogte niet gemeten, waardoor ook geen data beschikbaar is.

If you have any question you can contact data@vliz.be

Interactive apps in ScheldeMonitor

These applications are created and maintained by VLIZ, using R and RShiny programming. Visitors can use the apps to interactively create graphs and figures about nutrients, water levels, wave levels and species distribution in the Scheldt estuary. The apps are momentarily only available in dutch, but will receive an english version in 2023.

Take a look at the rest of the Interactive apps in ScheldeMonitor

Nutriënten in het Schelde-estuarium
Nutriënten in het Schelde-estuarium
Waterniveau in het Schelde-estuarium
Waterniveau in het Schelde-estuarium
Sediment in het Schelde-estuarium
Sediment in het Schelde-estuarium
Soortenverspreiding in het Schelde
Soortenverspreiding in het Schelde-estuarium
Verontreinigende stoffen in het Schelde-estuarium
Verontreinigende stoffen in het Schelde-estuarium




Select a station

Download map



Data shown in the table correspond to the mean value of the parameter per year and station, to download the raw data, please do so at the ScheldeMonitor's toolbox